Small-scale cheese factory
The cheeses of Meester- Affineurs are made in thesmall-scale cheese factory of Hollandsche Meesters in Rhenen. This cheese factory is equipped to make cheese in a traditional way. Because the linked livestock farmers are small-scale, only small amounts of milk are processed at a time.

Precision & Perfection
The collected milk must be processed with the utmost precision. Because untreated milk is used, the production risk is also a lot greater . That makes cheese making a real top sport. It is important that work is carried out 100% accurately and cleanly. In short: precision & perfection!

The ripening warehouse 
The cheeses with natural rinds are aged in the special ripening rooms in Rhenen. These chambers are specially designed for maturing cheese in a natural crust. In our maturing rooms, the cheeses really get the time to ripen, without any tricks or tricks to make the cheese ripen faster.

During ripening, the cheeses are turned by hand several times a week and washed (clean) with spring water and sea salt. In addition, they are constantly changed from place on the shelf, so that all cheeses have the same ripening. When the cheese has matured sufficiently, we call this 'a point', and it is allowed to leave the ripening rooms, on its way to its final destination.